
Travel & Vaccinations

 Many people who have cancer are able to travel without problems.  However, sometimes it may make things slightly more difficult.  Below is a travel checklist to try and help you travel safely.

If you are travelling to a European Economic Area country or to Switzerland

·         Do you have your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC)?

If you are travelling with medicines for more than 3 months

·         Do you need or have a personal medicines license?

If you have severe mobility problems

·         Do you have your Blue Badge, if you think you will need it?

If you have a stoma

·         Does your accommodation have a private bathroom, including facilities to dispose of appliances, if you think you will need this?

Travel Insurance:

A travel insurance policy protects you from losing money because of unexpected events that might happen while you're abroad or before you travel.

This includes:

·         emergency medical expenses, such as treatment whilst abroad

·         ambulances

·         getting home safely

·         If you have to cancel your trip or end it early, for example, if you or a family member are ill.

The main types of travel insurance are single trip or annual policies for multiple trips. The type of trip you're taking and the activities you have planned will also affect your insurance, for example, skiing, scuba diving, bungee jumping or a cruise holiday.

The information on this page is about cancer and travel insurance. For general information about travel insurance, visit  www.gov.uk/guidance/foreign-travel-insurance . Your Survivorship CNS will also be happy to help you navigate through getting a reasonable price for travel insurance.